DPP promptly files appeal as court acquits Ashan Westcott of murder

2024-06-30 12:17来源:本站编辑

DPP Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit


被指控谋杀尼克拉·史密斯的韦斯科特于6月26日星期三获释,此前他的律师伊斯雷尔·布鲁斯(Israel Bruce)成功地提出“不起诉”,辩称控方提供的证据不足以将被告与犯罪联系起来。主审法官斯坦利·约翰(Stanley John)支持原告的申诉,并随后指示九人陪审团作出“无罪”判决。


According to legal documents seen by BVI News, the DPP successfully filed a detailed application to appeal by 10:27 that same morning.

The DPP argued in her appeal that Justice John erred in disallowing certain aspects of the testimony from one of the prosecution's key witnesses in the case — Detective David Moore. The DPP also argued in her appeal that Justice John erred further by applying "incorrect principles" in arriving at his decision to uphold the defense's no-case submission.


The DPP argued that it is of "public interest" for the decisions of Judge John to be reviewed, adding that she does not believe Westcott would be prejudiced in this matter now being appealed.
